How often should I run my pool pump?

Ideally run your pump 24/7, however there are a few parameters to follow if you choose to run it less.

  1. Pool Size and Pump Capacity: Ideally, you want to turn over all the water in your pool at least once a day. To determine how long you should run your pump, you need to know your pool's volume and the pump's flow rate. For instance, if your pool holds 20,000 gallons and your pump moves 2,000 gallons per hour, you'd want to run it for at least 10 hours a day to turn over the water once.

  2. Usage: If your pool sees a lot of activity, especially during hot summer days, or after a pool party, you might want to run the pump more often to keep the water clear and sanitized.

  3. Environmental Factors: Pools that are under trees or exposed to high winds might collect more debris, necessitating longer or more frequent pump operation to keep the water clean.

  4. Type of Pump: Variable-speed pumps can run at lower speeds, consuming less energy and can often run longer with the same energy cost as a single-speed pump running for a shorter period.

  5. Seasonal Changes: In colder months or when the pool isn't in use, you can reduce the pump operating time, but it's still essential to run it periodically to keep the water clear and chemicals mixed.

  6. Chemical Balance and Water Clarity: If you notice algae growth or the water becoming cloudy, it's an indication that you might need to run the pump more often. Regularly testing your pool water's chemical balance can provide insights into pump operation needs.

It's essential to adjust based on your pool's specific needs. Monitoring water clarity, regularly testing chemical levels, and being aware of environmental and usage factors will guide you in optimizing your pump's running schedule.