How long does it typically take to heat a pool?

Heating time varies by pool size, heater type, and temperature goals. Gas heaters can raise 1-2.5°F/hour, heat pumps 0.5-1.5°F/hour. A small pool may need 10-20 hours to increase by 20°F with gas heating.

The time required to heat a pool depends on several factors:

  1. Pool Size: Larger pools take longer to heat than smaller ones.

  2. Type of Heater:

    • Gas Heaters: These can typically raise the temperature of a pool by 1-2.5°F per hour.
    • Heat Pumps: These are generally slower, raising the temperature by 0.5-1.5°F per hour.
    • Solar Heaters: Their efficiency varies based on sunlight exposure, but on sunny days, they might perform similarly to heat pumps.
    • Electric Resistance Heaters: Their rate is similar to gas heaters but is less commonly used due to high operating costs.
  3. Desired Temperature Increase: The greater the difference between the current and desired temperature, the longer the heating time.

  4. Ambient Temperature: In colder weather, pools lose heat more rapidly, which might increase heating time.

  5. Use of Pool Cover: Covers reduce heat loss, allowing the pool to heat faster.

As an example, for a 1,000-gallon pool and a gas heater, raising the temperature by 20°F might take 10-20 hours.